Thriving Together has helped build partnership networks among local organisations – in specific areas of interest or geographic locations – which allows them to work together, share successes and best practices, and address any concerns or questions they may have.
Health and Wellbeing
The Northumberland Health and Wellbeing VCFSE Network is an active open membership group which meets monthly online. The group works and collaborates together to
- Provide an inclusive forum for members to raise concerns, priorities and best practice regarding service provision
- Share and disseminate information to increase understanding of health sector reforms and future commissioning opportunities
- Be a comprehensive channel for communication between statutory and VCFSE sectors, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and seeking to influence decision making
- Develop relationships and potential partnerships for joint working
To join the network and for more information please contact Susan Eaton,
Equality Diversion and Inclusion
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Network is looking for active partnership and membership. The group works and collaborates together to
- Contribute to fostering good relations in terms of how we act and behave on the ground
- Talking and listening to each other and ensuring they are able to convey what they may need to help them work as inclusively as possible
- From funding to transparency, recruitment to investigations, to staff engagement, we will strive to highlight where EDI needs attention, improvement and learning by ensuring EDI is an integral element of our organisational strategies and policies and an active agenda in our meetings.
To join the network and for more information please contact Fareeha Usman,
Connecting Culture
The Connecting Culture Network is for any VCS organisation that has an impact on the cultural activity of the county. The group works and collaborates together to
- Share issues related to cultural matters in Northumberland
- To understand what cultural experiences audiences want from the organisations in Northumberland and implement the recommendations from the audience research
- Share matters discussed in the Northumberland Cultural Strategic Network and seek to influence those matters
- Link cultural organisations to other matters discussed at a county level that cultural organisations can support the county to address
- Identify opportunities for collaboration
To join the network and for more information please contact
North Northumberland
The North Northumberland Network (NNN) is an inclusive network made up of a combination of public, voluntary and community organisations with the main agenda based around sharing information and strengthening the collective voice of the voluntary and community sector in North Northumberland. The group works and collaborates together to
- Bring together practitioners from the public and voluntary sector and fill the gaps other networks or forums do not cover
- Be informative with information shared about funding opportunities, local and national campaigns, community development, education and health issues and social inclusion
To join the network and for more information please contact Fiona Calder,
Blyth Valley VCSE
The Blyth Valley VCSE Network serves, facilitates and benefits the voluntary and community sector in Blyth, Cramlington and Seaton Valley. The group works and collaborates together to
- Offer funding advice, information, support, guidance, training and a range of other services
- Offer help and advice on: setting up a group, drafting and adopting a constitution; identifying appropriate funders and support with the application process; preparing and presenting financial reports; help with charity registration, policies and procedures; equal opportunities and equality and diversity issues, quality assurance, charity and employment law, communications, publicity and promotion and access to equipment and resources
To join the network and for more information please contact Thom Bradley,
Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
The Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Network is for groups and organisations working with and for learning disabled people. The group works and collaborates together to
- Establish a network of groups and organisations providing services and support for people with learning disabilities
- Deliver specific activities for people with learning disabilities
- Work with other advocacy providers of services for people with learning disabilities
To join the network and for more information please visit here
The Women’s Network is to keep gender on the local agenda, by working together to achieve
- Acknowledgement for the systematic disadvantage women face because of their sex
- Recognition and adequate funding for the essential services the women’s sector provides to address this
- Better outcomes for women who are facing complex challenges
Read their most recent Evaluation Report here
To join the network or for more information please contact Julia,
Ageing Well
The Ageing Well is coordinated by the Integrated Wellbeing Service. The group works and collaborates together to
- Use a positive partnership approach to planning and working with local people, valuing and respecting their rich knowledge, skills, experience and energy to ensure Northumberland is a good place to grow older
- Work with local partners who as part of their everyday role are in contact with older people and their carers/families
- Make sure that everyone who can help older people to become or sustain being more active, better connected and well, has a clear understanding about what they do best and work well together to strengthen existing provision
To join the network and for more information please contact
Greenspace Pioneers
The Greenspace Pioneers aims to connect and support greenspace groups in Northumberland with training, skills sharing and sustainability. The aims of the group are to
- Provide the opportunity to connect and develop partnerships
- Create a space to share best practice, skills and innovative ideas
- Signpost to organisations who can help with funding, governance, policies and procedures and training opportunities
- To be inclusive and welcoming, championing equality and diverity to encourage greenspace use for all.
- Promote volunteer opportunities and provide support in building community engagement
To join the network and for more information, please visit here