Community News

A page where you can share your community information - newsletters, surveys, reports, consultations, timetables or questionnaires

Northern Cancer Voices Questionnaire

Northern Cancer Voices Questionnaire

Northern Cancer Voices are seeking feedback from anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis to share feedback on their experience (this is different to any complaints or issues that are referred to PALS). This feedback is used to improve cancer services and care and also identify what works well.

‘Let the NHS know #NatureHelps!’ Consultation

‘Let the NHS know #NatureHelps!’ Consultation

The Wildlife Trusts are working with the NHS on the 'Let the NHS know #NatureHelps!' campaign. They really want to know supporter's views on how public health can benefit by being in nature. The NHS and The Wildlife Trusts are also interested in hearing about ideas in your community which help you to stay well or help you manage any health problems you may have. Complete the survey now.

Nature for People and Place in the Wansbeck catchment

Nature for People and Place in the Wansbeck catchment

This project, commissioned by the Environment Agency and Natural England through the Nature Returns programme, aims to map and connect people and organisations with an interest in protecting nature and helping more people benefit from access to green and blue spaces along the River Wansbeck in Northumberland. We are asking communities, land owners, businesses, public and voluntary organisations how they would like to engage with these spaces and help protect the natural environment in future. Complete the survey here

BRIC Monthly Mailing

BRIC Monthly Mailing

BRIC delivers training courses and support services for people aged 16 and up throughout Blyth, Northumberland. Read their Monthly Mailing here. 

Family Hubs Bitesize News January 2025

Family Hubs Bitesize News January 2025

Family Hubs are spaces to meet, learn, take part in fun activities and access help and information. They provide support to parents and carers at our network of Family Hubs across Northumberland. Find out more in their newsletter

Prudhoe Partnership Echo Newsletter

Prudhoe Partnership Echo Newsletter

The Partnership Echo is available on the last Monday of each month. It will cover updates of our projects, information about the activities and events, along with dates for diaries.

Events hosted by Northumberland Libraries

Events hosted by Northumberland Libraries

Why not join some of Northumberland Libraries regular sessions? From reading groups, board game groups to Knit and Natter, there is sure to be something for everyone. Take a look at their Eventbrite page to find an event near you:

BRIC Monthly Mailing

BRIC Monthly Mailing

BRIC delivers training courses and support services for people aged 16 and up throughout Blyth, Northumberland. Read their Monthly Mailing here. 

NatWest Thrive Programme

NatWest Thrive Programme

NatWest Thrive is a movement for young people aged 8 to 24 and is designed to instill confidence and develop goal-setting skills; inspire young people to chase their dreams and encourage the development of good money habits. The programme is available for Youth Services to support young people with developing financial wellbeing skills

Alcohol Strategy Community Survey

Alcohol Strategy Community Survey

Northumberland County Council are developing an alcohol strategy for Northumberland to help address the harms caused by alcohol in our communities. Feedback will help them develop the strategy and carry out work in this area. Complete the survey here

Heart of Blyth Learning Report 2024

Heart of Blyth Learning Report 2024

Download a copy of the Heart of Blyth Learning Report. This is based on the presentation delivered at the Celebration Event in September at Phoenix Theatre. Feel free to share this with any partners and colleagues who might be interested in strengthening communities, asset based or community centred approaches or systems thinking ideas

Blyth Star News – Winter Edition

Blyth Star News – Winter Edition

Welcome to the Winter edition of Blyth Star News. We’ve had a busy few months since our Autumn edition and with Christmas just around the corner, there are lots of exciting things on the horizon at Blyth Star.

Community Foundation’s latest Vital Signs report is released

Community Foundation’s latest Vital Signs report is released

The Vital Signs Report draws on statistics, published research, local expertise and knowledge gathered through funding across the region to ‘take the pulse’ of communities and inform a better philanthropic response to their needs. The latest report focuses on Living Standards and is their ninth Vital Signs report in 2024.

Prudhoe Partnership Echo Newsletter

Prudhoe Partnership Echo Newsletter

The Partnership Echo is available on the last Monday of each month. It will cover updates of our projects, information about the activities and events, along with dates for diaries.

2024 Youth Voice Census Report

2024 Youth Voice Census Report

The full 2024 Youth Voice Census report is an in-depth analysis of 5,000 young voices and what they think about their life, education and work. Download it here

November Club – Upcoming Events

November Club – Upcoming Events

November Club is a professional performing-arts charity. We tell original stories and work in unusual places and spaces. We develop local artistic and creative freelancers and work with communities and partners to enrich our work.

Solidarity Farm Newsletter

Solidarity Farm Newsletter

Solidarity Farm CIC was setup to meet young people wherever they are and then accompany them on a journey, connecting them with nature and the food system to create a sense of belonging and build a community where all feel valued and can contribute. Read their Summer Newsletter here

Thriving Together hosts ‘What Next?’ Event and launches Impact Report

Thriving Together hosts ‘What Next?’ Event and launches Impact Report

Our 'What Next? Event was a chance for invited guests - including partners, stakeholders and representatives from a range of voluntary and public sector organisations across Northumberland - to help us begin shaping what the future should look like for Thriving Together. We were also delighted to have the opportunity to launch our Impact Report at the event, which showcases our achievements over the last 15 months.

Reading Well for Dementia

Reading Well for Dementia

Reading Well for dementia recommends helpful reading for people living with dementia. The books provide reliable information, advice and support as well as personal stories. Find out more here

Going Green Together

Going Green Together

Welcome to the May newsletter for Going Green Together, our campaign supporting voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations tackle the climate crisis and work towards Net Zero.

Carers Week 10th – 16th June

Carers Week 10th – 16th June

Carers Northumberland have published a great newsletter with all you need to know about Carers Week, and events that are planned across the county. Find out more

Helen meets the Friends of Valley Park

Helen meets the Friends of Valley Park

Helen, our Community Connector, headed over to Cramlington a couple of weeks ago to meet Jill Brown (pictured) from the Friends of Valley Park for a tour of the park and to hear more about the work they've been doing there. Find out more here

When Lyndsy met Madonna!

When Lyndsy met Madonna!

Lyndsy, our Community Connector, had the pleasure of meeting Madonna - the pony - when she was invited to the opening event of a new Multipurpose Therapy Centre that has been provided by Nurtured in Nature CIC. Find out more here

April Newsletter

April Newsletter

Our April newsletter launches this year’s Annual Survey, in which we’re asking you to help choose the services we should focus on in the next 12 months. You can also read more about the Pharmacy First service, asking for reasonable adjustments in healthcare settings, plus details on our next lunchtime online event where we’ll hear what Health Trainers can offer.

Supported Internship Guidance

Supported Internship Guidance

Supported Internships for 16 to 24 year olds with an EHC Plan – all you need to know. Guidance for Local Authority officers, education providers, and other professionals working with disabled young people, those with additional support needs, and their families.

VCSE Mental Health Alliance Grants

VCSE Mental Health Alliance Grants

The Northumberland VCSE Mental Health Alliance has a new funding opportunity for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations working within Northumberland.

Tynedale Hospice at Home – Care Services

Tynedale Hospice at Home – Care Services

The latest video explains all about their four Care services - At home hospice care, complementary therapy, private transport to medical appointments (people with life limiting conditions) and Bereavement counselling and support.

Our Impact 2023

Our Impact 2023

In August 2021, Thriving Together was awarded the commission from Northumberland County Council to provide VCSE support. Since then, we have met and exceeded the deliverables of the commission. Read the report here.

Adult Education Budget

Adult Education Budget

EmmaJane works as our Data Compliance and Support Officer. Part of her role is to provide support to the Adult Education Budget (AEB) project that we manage. Yesterday, she was invited along to Ashington to meet up with Luk-Luk Productions - one of our AEB partners - to find out how they are benefiting from the funding we offer.

Solid Foundations

Solid Foundations

Solid Foundations brings unique support to help people to overcome barriers and achieve positive, life-changing outcomes. Solid Foundations is funded by the UK Government through the UKSPF with the North of Tyne Combined Authority as the lead authority.

Elderberries Booklet

Elderberries Booklet

This community programme is co-ordinated by The Alnwick Garden Trust with the aim of combatting the impact of loneliness and isolation for people over 55 living in Northumberland.

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